Acrylic vs. Fiberglass Tubs

Selecting the right bathtub can greatly impact both the aesthetics and functionality of your bathroom. Today, two popular bathtub materials stand out: acrylic and fiberglass. Each material comes with its own set of pros and cons. Understanding these can help you make an informed decision based on your individual needs and preferences.

In this article, we will explore the key differences and similarities between acrylic and fiberglass tubs. By the end, you'll have a clear understanding of which material is best suited for your home, ensuring that your choice enhances the beauty and utility of your bathroom space.

What is Acrylic Tub

Acrylic tubs are derived from a type of plastic known as polyacrylate, which has a structure like fiberglass. It involves forming the Acrylic sheet into a tub-like base and then covering it with fiberglass and a resin to achieve a strong coat.

Pros of Acrylic Tub


The best thing about acrylic bathtubs is that they are highly resistant to chipping and cracking, which you will definitely appreciate if you expect to use your bathroom floor for many years.

Variety of Designs

The fact that acrylic can be fashioned into a wide variety of different shapes and forms therefore ensures that it can enhance a multitude of designs. This has the implication that one can easily locate an acrylic tub that best addresses his/her preferred aesthetic taste as well as needs of space.


Despite that, acrylic tubs are far lighter than those made of cast iron for example. This makes them convenient to install and manage whenever there are changes in the building or property developments.

Further Reading: Comparison Between Cast Iron and Acrylic Bathtubs

Heat Retention

Our chosen material, Acrylic is a material with moderate thermal properties – to ensure it is a good insulator. This is because the bathtub water retains its warmth for a relatively longer period than if the tub was large but shallow.

Easy Maintenance

That is why acrylic material is not porous which eliminates the chances of mold or milder production. Maintenance is simple does not demand hard surface treatment and cannot be scratched or stained by anything.

Cons of Acrylic Tub


The major criticism that has been registered about the use of acrylic is that despite its rugged nature, it can easily be scratched especially when in contact with another hard surface. The surface should not be cleaned using an abrasive cleaner or using any object that has sharp edges because it can harm the surface. However, it is usually easier to scratch rung than to mince it while minor scratch marks are sometimes easier to biff.


A clear fact that can be gleaned from a rough comparison is that acrylic bathtubs are generally costlier than fiberglass ones. The higher cost can be explained on the grounds of the material’s ability to offer both durability and variety in the aesthetic design it delivers.

What is Fiberglass Tub

Fiberglass tub is normally manufactured from reinforced plastic material that is molded into the shape and size of a bathtub and coated with gel coat resin. This coating provides the surface of the tub with its sleek look and also serves as an extra barrier.

Pros of Fiberglass Tub


When the question of cost comes into consideration, fiberglass tub stands out as one of the cheapest to acquire. Fiberglass tubs are slightly cheaper than acrylic bathtubs and thus are suitable in situations when you can not spend a lot of money.


Fiberglass tubs also share such properties with acrylic tubs: they are relatively lightweight. They are also flexible in that they can be easily transported and fitted into places, especially in remodels that may have limitations on space and the amount of load the floor can support.

Ease of Repair

In cases of damage to a fiberglass tub, affectionate or minor fixes are easy to carry out and are also inexpensive. Micro-scratches or the smallest damages like chinks, chips, etc can be well repaired with a fiberglass repair kit.

Cons of Fiberglass Tub


This fiberglass material is slightly less durable than the acrylic material. It is more susceptible to scrapping, checking and wearing out faster especially when it comes into contact with abrasive substances such as hard water or being used frequently.


Fiberglass tubs are also prone to staining and watery surfaces which affect their pores and lead to absorption of water. This can lead to a more unelaborate look and a greater amount of difficulty when trying to clean the surface.

Limited Design Options

Although fiberglass can be shaped in almost any form, the versatility of the material is in no way as varied as acrylic. You may find yourself having fewer options if you are searching for a particular style or size.

Acrylic vs Fiberglass Tub

Comparison Acrylic Fiberglass
Cost Although acrylic is an inexpensive material it is expensive compared to Fiberglass. Very cheap, about half the price of acrylic bathtubs.
Durability Extremely hard-wearing, very scratched and heat resistant resist cracking and flaking. Not as long lasting, scratched easily, cracked, faded compared to the programmed information that can be sought earlier.
Weight This is also light and it weighs lesser as compared to fiberglass but it is heavier than the latter. Extremely thin, which means installation can be much more easily accomplished.
Maintenance Anti-mold, anti-mildew, can be washed gently with soapy water. Letting it become very suitable for dirt and dust to deposit on and become accumulation ground over a period of time is challenging to clean ever though it is easier to repair when it develops damages as they reoccur more often.
Design Options It has more designs that you can fit in a bathroom including different shapes, sizes as well as colors. It is more limited in design than acrylic.
Heat Retention Ideal for heat retention and thus using fewer resources to maintains the water heat for a longer time. Just as good as the acrylic in terms of heat retention but not quite as good.


In sum, the problem of concrete choice of material for a bathtub can be solved based on one’s means, aesthetic needs, and desire for fuss-free care. acrylic, fiberglass, or any other variety of bathtub is sure to please. This is one of the most versatile bathtub options since acrylic is known to be extremely resilient and easy to work with, in addition to retaining heat very well. However, if a person does not have the large amount of money to invest in a bathtub or the bathtub that they want to change cannot be easily moved to another location, then the fiberglass bathtub would be a better alternative. In conclusion, I came to understand that the two have their own advantages and disadvantages depending on the circumstances of the individual who is using the two. After evaluating the advantages and drawbacks of both, you will be in a position to make a wise decision that will help you achieve the best utility and style in your bathroom for many a years.